Its me....

Friday, 27 April 2012

How to Get Someone's IP Address

You, might be knowing that all the user surfing in Internet have there unique identity. And different users have different identity. And this identity is called Ip address. As you can know your ip address from here .

Now, how to get IP address of the other users(or of your Friends). Its really very easy to get someone's IP address.

Go to The site

Then Click on Get Someones IP

Then you will get Two links

  • Link For person
  • Link For You

Then you send the 1st link to the victim who's Ip address you want to know.When the victim will click on the link. Then you open the 2nd link in another tab. And there you can see the Ip address of the victim.

Just thats it now you can get anybody Ip address in just one click go.